Tachoman Cloud: avoid fines, hassle, and comply with legal requirements

Europe’s perhaps easiest tachograph solution. Avoid fines, hassle, and comply with legal requirements. Automatic collection, storage, and insight into your data. TachoMan Cloud is your optimal solution for complying with driving and rest time regulations.

Avoid fines and minimize fine risk

With our comprehensive driving and rest time monitoring solution, you can improve your fleet management and reduce the risk of financial penalties. Our system collects and stores your driving and rest time data for up to 12 months, and you can easily generate reports and summaries that help identify any violations. We send notifications and reminders, so you and your drivers are always updated on the status of driving and rest times.

With TachoMan Cloud’s automatic ARTD – automatic remote tacho download, you can further improve compliance with the rules and avoid fines. The most important thing is to have the data foundation in order by collecting all data as the very first step. Choose our solution and gain peace of mind when it comes to complying with driving and rest time regulations and avoiding the financial consequences of fines.

LINK til “Finecataligue”: LINK

Save Time and Hassle

Save time and hassle with our efficient TachoMan Cloud service. We understand the importance of simplifying your company’s driving and rest time administration. That’s why we offer a user-friendly platform that automates the process of collecting, storing, and analyzing your driving and rest time data.

Our solution allows you to store all your relevant documents, such as driver cards, in one secure place. We send notifications and reminders, so you are always updated on important deadlines and violations. With our solution, you can free up time previously spent on manual tasks and instead focus on more important aspects of your company’s operations.

Moreover, if you choose to use our ARTD – Automatic Remote Tacho Download solution, you can further save on manual reading time and reduce the risk of human errors. Save time and hassle with TachoMan Cloud and get more time to grow your business and focus on what really matters.


Efficient Data Collection and Storage

Efficient data collection and storage are crucial for any company, especially when it comes to handling driving and rest time data. With our TachoMan Cloud service, you can be sure that your data is collected in a seamless and reliable manner. We automate the entire process of retrieving information from driver cards and tachographs, saving you the hassle of manual collections.

Moreover, we store all your data securely for up to 12 months, and our system even maintains important documents such as driver cards. This gives you peace of mind, knowing that your data is organized, accessible, and protected. With our efficient data collection and storage, you don’t have to worry about data loss or unnecessary complications related to the administration and control of driving and rest times.

LINK til Solutionweb IT Services: LINK

User-Friendly Interface and Comprehensive Features and Automation

Our TachoMan Cloud service offers an exceptionally user-friendly interface, making it easy for both administrators and drivers to manage driving and rest time data.

With a simple and clear dashboard, you have instant access to all relevant information and reports. It is not only user-friendly but also highly comprehensive, as we offer a wide range of features and automation. Our system automatically collects and harvests data from driver cards and tachographs, saving time and hassle.

You can also store and maintain important control documents, and our notification system keeps you updated on violations, important information, and reminders. You get access to driver and vehicle records, monitors that automatically inform and alert, automatic and on-the-fly reporting modules that ensure your needs for insight into driver and vehicle data.

With TachoMan Cloud, you get not only an intuitive and user-friendly interface but also advanced features and automation that make managing driving and rest times more efficient and hassle-free.

Se hvilke funktioner du kan få med TachoMan Cloud: LINK

Get Started for Free with the TachoMan Cloud Archive Version

Whether you are a user of our STRA.COM TMS solution or not, you now have the opportunity to start with a TachoMan Cloud Archive solution for zero (0,-) kr. + VAT. 🙂

If you don’t have download equipment yourself, this can be obtained in our shop: https://solutionweb.dk/vare-kategori/tacho/

When there is a need for data analysis, reporting, monitoring, and alerting, the Tacho Archive solution can be upgraded to a paid TachoExpert agreement. Contact us to find out your price.


Get Leaner, Go Greener – also a CO2 solution for you

More profit, less CO2, full control. Our goal is to motivate and support companies in their efforts to reduce their environmental footprint while optimizing their operations. We believe it is possible to achieve economic growth while taking the planet into account, and we are dedicated to supporting companies on this important journey towards a more sustainable future.

The TachoMan Cloud solution works with all vehicles, all types of tachographs and systems:

Scania, Volvo, MAN, Renault, Iveco, Mercedes, Intellic, Stoneridge, VDO, Trimble, Fleetboard, Webfleet, Transics, etc., manual or automatic collection (ARTD – automatic remote tacho download), minimize fine risk, 99.99% uptime, EU solution (GDPR), daily download, free automatic SMS and email alerts, intuitive platform, 12x cheaper than other solutions, independent of vehicle types, technology, organizations, free choice of advisor or lawyer, Danish support, Danish invention, many integration options, automatic reporting, basic hardware always in stock, ready for the next generation of tachographs, also for vans from 2026.

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