Rentarouteplanner As A Service: RAAS

Rentarouteplanner As A Service: RAAS
Facing a planning challenge?

We now offer assistance with this challenge! 7 benefits of using an ad hoc, flexible, and web-based route planner. STRA.COM offers a new staffed service optimized with AI and multiple algorithms in the backend. Benefit from fuel and time savings, better customer service, reduced costs for the same production, more environmental consideration, improved process management, increased safety, and competitive advantage.

Operational Optimization Potential with the Use of a Route Planner

In total, route planning and optimization can account for a total savings of 96.43% of expenses! Will you end up driving almost for free? Probably not!

The savings cover the percentage optimization of the following elements:

  • Fuel
  • Delivery time
  • Number of deliveries per day
  • Vehicle utilization rate
  • Labor costs

All these elements combined add up to 96.43%.

In this calculation, we have not yet included the reduced CO2 emissions. This is important to us and is becoming increasingly important for our customers.

The new aspect of our offering is that the virtual but human Route Planner assistant can be used ad hoc and is free during the startup period.

We know that as a user of the platform, you can get leaner and greener, and we will prove this to you.

Why RAAS: Rentarouteplanner As A Service

Better profitability for your business and greener driving are the results of many years of experience that we have built into our platform.

RAAS offers you the following benefits:

  • Flexibility
  • Scalability
  • Optimization of routes and resources
  • Improved customer service
  • Cost efficiency

With our RAAS initiative, we aim to make route planning accessible to as many people as possible, as optimized driving has a significant impact on our environment. You gain access to many years of experience, knowledge of the platform’s technology, and general route planning expertise.

Planning platforms can seem complex, so we have drastically simplified the route planning procedures, now boiled down to just three buttons.

We want to show that advanced route planning is easy to use today, and our RAAS initiative is designed to make it easier for you to get acquainted with the solution and give you a no-obligation opportunity to try out the technology and our service.

Try it! It is free!

Try the platform before your competitor, it is free!

Get leaner, go greener! Improve your bottom line by using greener solutions. Route planning is an essential part of everyday transport and logistics. Therefore, we believe it is important for you to test if the platform can work in your business and provide you with one or more of the following benefits: increased efficiency, better customer service, cost reduction, environmental consideration, better planning and management, increased safety.

Contact us to learn how we can optimize your routes and driving, creating a better and greener bottom line.

Get leaner, go greener!
With’s RAAS Routeplanner As A Service



Low-cost automatisering

Affordable and effective technology to optimize many processes. Today, we can measure many different things: optimized routes based on time, distance, and CO2 emissions. Do it yourself or use the fantastic RAAS service: Rentaplanner as a service. Optimize many processes. Today, we can measure: location, temperature, fill level, humidity, vibration, light intensity, pressure, noise levels, air quality, chemical composition, speed, energy consumption, and more.


Optimized Processes

Automated processes ensure greener operations, greater safety, and increased earning potential. Benefits include increased efficiency, cost savings, improved quality, higher customer satisfaction, sharper competitive edge, greater flexibility, happier employees, and data-driven decision-making.


Get leaner, go greener!

Solutionwebs’ goal is to motivate and support businesses in their efforts to reduce their environmental footprint while optimizing their operations. We believe it is possible to achieve economic growth while caring for the planet, and we are dedicated to supporting companies on this important journey towards a more sustainable future.

Ready for a (non-)committal meeting?

We would love to discuss which (standard) solutions we can help you with. We offer you many years of experience and insight into what works and what doesn’t.

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