How much are you paying for your Tachodata driving and rest time storage and reporting?

How much are you paying for your Tachodata driving and rest time storage and reporting?

Check out the TachoMan Cloud offer: unmatched quality and price, as we match any price. Now you have the opportunity to join an independent solution with high data security and an intuitive user interface at an exceptional price that cuts costs and optimizes your bottom line.

Get started after the summer holidays with our New Customer offer, ranging from 0,- eur to 0.99 eur for Tachodata driving and rest time storage and reporting.

No matter which solution you are using today, we will make it better and cheaper. You can choose from the following solutions:

  1. TachoMan Cloud Archive:
    Price: 0,- eur excluding VAT, regardless of the number of files/drivers/vehicles you have. Upload and professional storage.
  2. TachoMan Cloud Pro:
    Price 0,99 eur excluding VAT per driver/vehicle/month with full functionality including upload, reporting, SMS alerts, etc.
    –> Transfer from another provider: 0,- eur
    –> Setup: 0,- eur
    –> Monthly subscription: 0,- eur
    –> Hotline: 0,- eur

It’s possible to start with solution 1, and when you need data, reporting, etc., you will be automatically upgraded to the PRO solution.

How much are you paying for your solution today?

The easiest tachograph driving and rest time solution.
Avoid fines, hassle, comply with legal requirements, and save money.

TachoMan Cloud Archive is an extremely simple solution that is very easy to operate. Through our upload solution, you can upload the ddd files to your TachoMan Cloud Archive from anywhere. If you have a system that sends emails with attachments or something similar, those can also be used.

Recently, we updated the entire “look & feel” of the TachoMan Cloud Pro solution to make it even more intuitive and faster to use.
This is not only a future-proofing of the user interface but also of the underlying technology, ensuring easy, fast, and convenient operation, and most importantly, the security of your data.

Your new driving and rest time solution works with all other systems on the market.

Remote download solutions, fleet management & tracking, tachographs from VDO, Stoneridge, ZF, TMS solutions, ERP systems—everything can be integrated to ensure data flows smoothly into the exact solutions you use to run your business.

You have the option to connect an automatic remote download, which we call ARTD (Automatic Remote Tacho Download).
This technology allows you to expand your ARTD solution with a GPS tracking option, enabling you to track your vehicles in real-time and view driving history.
With an Eco Drive add-on, it’s possible to ensure high-tech monitoring of truck and bus functions.

If you already have a fleet management solution that you’re satisfied with, it’s very likely that it can be used.
We offer fleet management solutions as well as simple ddd data download equipment and tachograph rolls.
(It’s still funny that paper is required for a “digital tachograph” in 2024!)

Read more about TachoMan Cloud Pro features at this  LINK

Save Big on Tacho Driving and Rest Time: The Best Offer in Both Price and Quality
Read about the solution here: LINK



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